10 Reasons Why Your Novel Isn’t Published


Lack of platform is NOT the main reason most manuscripts are rejected. Writers everywhere speculate about their rejections, and most of the things they post on social media are wrong. Publishers DO want fresh voices and new twists on classic tropes. The truth, however, is that people aren’t submitting them. What, then, is really going on?

We’re not trying to keep it a secret; we WANT authors to know so they can submit the types of manuscripts publishers are looking for. In this class, I’ll tell you the top 10 reasons why I’ve rejected manuscripts this past year.

Lack of platform is NOT the main reason most manuscripts are rejected. Writers everywhere speculate about their rejections, and most of the things they post on social media are wrong. Publishers DO want fresh voices and new twists on classic tropes. The truth, however, is that people aren’t submitting them. What, then, is really going on?

We’re not trying to keep it a secret; we WANT authors to know so they can submit the types of manuscripts publishers are looking for. In this class, I’ll tell you the top 10 reasons why I’ve rejected manuscripts this past year.

This recording can be instantly downloaded in a .zip file, and played with any app that plays MP3’s. When you download this file, be sure to note where it downloads to, so you can find it later. .Zip files can be extracted by right mouse clicking, and selecting “Extract All”.

This recording is also available in the Intermediate Writing Bundle or as part of The Well Conference 2024 Audio Set.


Owner of Write Now Editing, Karin Beery is a published author and editor with experience in traditional and self-publishing, freelance editing, and editing for publishers. She is an active member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Christian Authors Network, the Christian Proofreaders and Editors Network, and the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors. When she’s not editing or teaching, she writes hopeful fiction with a healthy dose of romance.