Be in Practice: Drawing from Nature


We can never create to the level of the Greatest Artist, but we are in His likeness, so that artistry is in us. We must practice our craft and be in it as we must be in His Word. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their daily creation practices and how their commitment to building their artistic skill set is an example of thankfulness to God for the gifts He’s given us. Participants will discuss and brainstorm ways to build their art into daily practice. Natural items will be available to create still life sketches and drawings.

We can never create to the level of the Greatest Artist, but we are in His likeness, so that artistry is in us. We must practice our craft and be in it as we must be in His Word. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their daily creation practices and how their commitment to building their artistic skill set is an example of thankfulness to God for the gifts He’s given us. Participants will discuss and brainstorm ways to build their art into daily practice. Natural items will be available to create still life sketches and drawings.

This recording can be instantly downloaded in a .zip file, and played with any app that plays MP3’s. When you download this file, be sure to note where it downloads to, so you can find it later. .Zip files can be extracted by right mouse clicking, and selecting “Extract All”.

This recording is also available in the Art and Illustration Bundle or as part of The Well Conference 2024 Audio Set.

Kerrie Scheffers is  a SW Michigander artisan with a background in broadcasting, journalism, music and art. I love talking about Jesus, the Holy Scriptures & sharing The Good News!