Blogging to Increase Website Traffic by Susan Neal (The Well 2023)


How do you get people to visit your website? Search engine optimization blogging techniques are the answer. Susan’s proven techniques will increase your website’s visitor rate.

How do you get people to visit your website? Search engine optimization blogging techniques are the answer. Susan’s proven techniques will increase your website’s visitor rate. This recording can be instantly downloaded in a .zip file, and played with any app that plays MP3’s. When you download this file, be sure to note where it downloads to, so you can find it later. .Zip files can be extracted by right mouse clicking, and selecting “Extract All”. This recording is also available in the Intermediate Writing Bundle or as part of The Well Conference 2023 Audio Set.
As a Certified AWSA Writer Coach, Susan Neal RN, MBA, MHS, desires to help others publish and sell their God-given message. She is the author of eight healthy living books. Her self-published, award-winning, best-seller, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates, won the Selah award and sold over 20,000 copies in four years. Susan won the 2020 Christian Author Network Excellence in Marketing Award for Outstanding Broadcast Media for her book marketing campaign. She is a trusted advisor for authors and helps many sell more books. Susan is the CEO of Christian Indie Publishing Association (CIPA), Christian Authors Network (CAN), Christian Indie Awards, and CAN Excellence in Marketing Awards. You can find Susan at