Your Marketing Message and Website Strategy by Kimberly Eddy (The Well 2023)


Your website is more than just something pretty to dump words into. The message you share on your website and social media is key to its success. But how do you figure out what to say and how to say it on your website and social media? What if you don’t have a message to share? Learn how to focus your message so you can create a winning website and successful social media strategy.

Your website is more than just something pretty to dump words into. The message you share on your website and social media is key to its success. But how do you figure out what to say and how to say it on your website and social media? What if you don’t have a message to share? Learn how to focus your message so you can create a winning website and successful social media strategy. This recording can be instantly downloaded in a .zip file, and played with any app that plays MP3’s. When you download this file, be sure to note where it downloads to, so you can find it later. .Zip files can be extracted by right mouse clicking, and selecting “Extract All”. This recording is also available in the Publishing and Marketing Bundle or as part of The Well Conference 2023 Audio Set.

Kimberly Eddy is a member of The Well leadership team and serves as our website and graphic design lead. Her heart is encouraging creative entrepreneurs wherever she can, based on Hebrews 10:24:

“Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love.” Hebrews 10:24 (TPT)

She runs Thoughts and Designs LLC as a Michigan-based web and graphic designer. Her mission is helping small businesses & creative entrepreneurs grow with marketing-focused WordPress website design.

Kimberly is the mom to five grown kids that she homeschooled, and grandma to one so far, and has been married to Martin for over 30 years.