Darlene Larson, PErsonal Growth Track Leader

Connect With Darlene

Darlene Larson

Personal Growth Track Leader; Author, Speaker, and Life Purpose Coach

Darlene Larson’s smile and joy is a testament of what only God can do.

Entrusted with a story of tremendous loss, betrayal, and deception, God is using every ounce of emotional pain Darlene experienced to let women and men know that God heals mutilated hearts and there is life beyond emotional pain.

As founder of Hearts with a Purpose, Darlene coaches women around the world to recycle their pain to purpose.

Her first marriage of 27 years was sown with a long thread of pain, woven of deception, emotional, mental, and financial abuse. Ending with the fractured relationships with her children, a home foreclosure, and bankruptcy. The end of her second marriage of three happy years sent her a shocking blow when her divorce-care and grief-loss support group leader husband abandoned her.

But GOD! He heals decimated hearts!

Darlene Larson, a 2023 Honoree of 16-over-60 Engaged & Inspiring individuals of Kent County, Michigan, is the author of four books, the 31-day life changing devotional series, Enable Me, Lord to Shift: Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into Truth and live, a Grief-loss Coach & Life Purpose Coach® and an inspirational speaker. Visit her website at www.darlenelarson.com and contact her to speak at your next event and receive her first book Free.

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