Hannah Stevens

Connect With Hannah

Hannah Stevens

Hannah Stevens is the Director of Churches in Mission at Western Theological Seminary (WTS). In partnership with Dr. Travis West, Hannah created the course and print materials Hebrew for Regular People, published in 2022. The course makes content and elements of the Hebrew program at WTS accessible for lay leaders in the Church.

In her work with Churches in Mission, Hannah has done extensive training and course work in coaching individuals and teams. She received her Associate Certified Coach Credential from the International Coaching Federation in May 2023. Hannah is most comfortable in the spaces where the theological training of seminary gets worked out in the daily realities of ministry. Discovering relevant wisdom and practices from the text and traditions of the people of Israel is among Hannah’s favorite work to do.

Hannah grew up as a pastor’s kid in Elburn, Illinois. She attended Hope College and received her Master of Divinity from Western Theological Seminary in 2019. She currently lives in Hudsonville, Michigan with her husband, Phil Stevens. They have three wild children and one tame dog. They love to hike, build forts, read, and travel to as many places in the world as continuing to be responsible, bill paying adults allows.

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